Analyze the following book, Thank You Mr. Falker. Is it a memoir? Why or why not?
Patricia Polacco
P.O. BOX 68
Union City, MI 49094
More books by Patricia Polacco
When writing your memoir...
1.YOU are the only qualified author of your life stories
2.Research is simple—close your eyes and remember.
3.Take it one slice at a time.
4.We all have stories to tell.
5.Write your stories with passion, emotion, and truth; like you live your life. 6.Use dialogue, characterization, and setting to bring your story to life for the reader.
Lesson plans and STUDENT MEMOIR SAMPLES. pdf
- Thoreau at Walden by John Porcellino, from the writings of Henry David Thoreau ; introduction by D.B. Johnson. (Graphic novel memoir, easy reader)
- Letting Swift River Go by Jane Yolen - Beautiful, almost poetic, account of a small New England town near Boston that was intentionally flooded. Science integration.
- Rudi’s Pond by Eve Bunting
- Through Grandpa’s Eyes by Patricia MacLachlan
- My Rotten Redheaded Older Brotherby Patricia Polacco
- Chicken Sunday by Patricia Polacco
- The Bracelet by Yoshiko Uchida
- Thundercake by Patricia Polacco
- When I was little : a four-year-old's memoir of her youth by Jamie Lee Curtis
- For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn. - Ernest Hemingway
- I remember her fifty years later. - Cullen A., Indiana (Grand Prize Winner)
- They doubted, you believed, I succeeded. - Phillip J., Wisconsin (Runner-Up)
- Selflessly dedicated to someone else's success. - Amanda W., Nevada (Runner-Up)
- Teachers hold the ladders students climb. - Rebecca H., Pennsylvania (Runner-Up)
- All thirty students raised their hand. - William S., Washington (Runner-Up)
- Spark interest. Ignite curiosity. Fuel dreams. - Jackie K., Texas (Runner-Up)
- Encouraging the discouraged to defy obstacles. - Karen M., Illinois
- Point out the stars. Provide rockets. - Adam L., Illinois
- Instill knowledge; invoke passion; inspire greatness. - Vishak V., California
- Planting the seed of I can. - Sinora W., Illinois
- Open books, open minds, open doors. - Nancy M., Arizona
- I struggled; she never gave up. - Scarlet W., Tennessee
Comments (2)
Alex said
at 6:58 pm on Sep 23, 2011
Aww! The word memoir brings back so many memories!!! I just watched the video of my graduation memoir earlier. :')
June Shanahan said
at 8:33 pm on Sep 23, 2011
I remember how I was pulling my hair out, struggling to choose a memoir! That was hard to choose only ONE when they were all so great!
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