

Page history last edited by salvadorscobee 14 years, 1 month ago

Hamilton High School's, Space School Musical, has inspired many kids with the amazing facts of space.

"My goal is to make learning fun." Says Kellee McQuinn director of space school musical ." And to take these boring subjects that aren't boring at all

and to help you understand how exciting it is, how fun it is and hopefully ignite a passion not only just for learning but for science, for the solar system. Through singing, through dancing, you know working together as a team, throughmaking your own play, just watching it being entertained."

"Kids remember lyrics and it's just with all the people popping up on the screen dancing." Says Hannah Provisor, main character. " I just think there really gonna enjoy it. I learned so much. Space is cool."

With the magic of space school musical's characters the solar system has come alive like never before.

Below are the space school musical videos from first to last.

Credit to NASA's discovery program and the video Space is Cool and YouTube.

Click here to view the trailer on YouTube

Here are the NASA version videos


  Planetary Posse



Meteor Wrong Blues 

Stand-Up Comet

The Asteroids Gang

Were The Scientists

Big Bang

Space is Cool(interview with cast members)

Here are the YouTube version videos(in HD)


Planetary Posse



Meteor Wrong Blues

Stand-Up Comet

The Asteroids Gang

Were The Scientists

Big Bang

Space is Cool


Comments (31)

Alex said

at 9:10 pm on Jan 14, 2011

Sal, I can't wait to see this page. I know its going to be awesome!

salvadorscobee said

at 9:36 pm on Jan 14, 2011

i know it's going to show all the space videos on the nasa website i already downloaded all the music to my files i love space!! look at my face :') I'm crying because it's so good and this is what my face looks like when i watch one (0.o)

June Shanahan said

at 8:36 am on Jan 15, 2011

Seriously, do you guys EVER stop learning? I love space too, Sal. I think all the Super Brains love it, don't you? I want to give you guys more time to research in the lab.

salvadorscobee said

at 2:54 pm on Jan 15, 2011

hey mrs. Shanahan think we can make a play on all of the space videos mixed together i already know how to sing the songs and i'm working on the main characters(Hannah, girl who said,"Wow! Where am I?") lines and dance moves. you should watch the rest of the videos.i reccomend, S-P-A-C-E, Moon dance,stand up comet,were the scientists, and big bang

salvadorscobee said

at 3:23 pm on Jan 15, 2011

but you should watch them all

salvadorscobee said

at 3:25 pm on Jan 15, 2011

and when your watching the big bang video notice what the moons are doing to the planets, Earth, Mercury, Uranus, Saturn, And Jupiter

Noel (Hawk) said

at 10:08 am on Jan 15, 2011

awesome! maybe we can do a report on a planet or something about space!!! i call dibs on black holes!

June Shanahan said

at 5:17 pm on Jan 15, 2011

I love you guys. Should we form a Space Club? A Moon Walk Committee? The Scobee Alien Dance Club? Tell me what you want to do, then I will ask the Captain of the Spaceship (Mrs. Gorsche) for permission.

salvadorscobee said

at 5:19 pm on Jan 15, 2011

on all the videos

June Shanahan said

at 7:27 pm on Jan 15, 2011

I am imagining you at home dancing and singing, and orbiting around your house! (Am I right?) You have the best ideas, and this is one of my favorite pages EVER! So I just remembered something Mrs. Killian said last week. She said she wanted to have her kids perform the Planetary Posse. What if you and I talk with Mrs. Killian, and then we could all talk with Mrs. Vila and Mrs. Gorsche to brainstorm ideas for a Space Show? You guys could come up with the rules, and perhaps even invite other 5th grade classes. You could decide who the audience would be and (WHOA!!! LIGHTNING BOLT OF AN IDEA!) Mrs. Bonilla could video tape the performance for SchoolTube! Oh! Wow! We could send it to Janice Van Cleave! Sal, you guys can make this as big or as small as you want. The sky is the limit! Truly, you are in charge of your own learning.

June Shanahan said

at 7:29 pm on Jan 15, 2011

One more thing...will you show the kids your wiki page on a day when nobody is absent? They will LOVE it!

salvadorscobee said

at 8:01 pm on Jan 15, 2011

You have my permission i am listening to the songs dancing and singing at this moment and um could i ask you something: i was wondering if we could change hannah's name and i was wondering if i could be hannah i'm practicing her moves lines singing lines but yeah i'll show my page to everyone. and i have a lot of great ideas for the videos.

salvadorscobee said

at 8:07 pm on Jan 15, 2011

Sorry don't pay attention to the one below anyways,You have my permission i am listening to the songs and i'm dancing and singing at this moment and um could i ask you something: i was wondering if we could change hannah's name to something else and i was wondering if i could be hannah i'm practicing her moves, lines, singing lines, and yeah i'll show my page to everyone. and i have a lot of great ideas for the videos.

salvadorscobee said

at 12:54 pm on Jan 17, 2011

sorry don't pay attention to the one above.and if i can't be hannah it's okay.

salvadorscobee said

at 4:33 pm on Jan 16, 2011

We need 31 characters(i counted all the characters) if we have 23 how much does Mrs.Killian have? please tell me but then only 8 people will be able to participate from Mrs.Killian's class unless some people don't want to do it. but we can add more characters like for planetary posse we could have someone as the asteroid belt and someone else as the Kuiper belt.we'll just lengthen the song so they can sing too.then we'll have tryouts and we should have someone dim the lights at the end of each of each scene and we should have all the backgrounds in a big folding like book and someone should turn the page at the end of each scene when the lights are dimmed.and then i think we should have 2nd-4th grade as our audience for the play. and i'll share the rest of my ideas for the play when we talk with Mrs.Vila and Mrs. Gorsche.

Noel (Hawk) said

at 3:48 pm on Jan 18, 2011

actually, we have 21 people, right now, but also, everyoen else can do sound effects like that drum in stand-up-comet, im good at the piano, and the drums and stuff, so i can do music but i REALLY REALLY WANT A PART SOOO BAD!

Alex said

at 5:15 pm on Jan 18, 2011

I am good with piano only so I might be able to do some music too! I have a electric keyboard that makes space sounds (Its pretty cool) so maybe I could do sound effects too??

salvadorscobee said

at 10:55 am on Jan 19, 2011

well were going to do it with mrs.Killian's class

salvadorscobee said

at 7:32 pm on Jan 16, 2011

sorry 31 people

June Shanahan said

at 2:56 pm on Jan 17, 2011

All of the participants can decide the specifics. However, you are the one that came up with this amazing "outside the box" page and idea, so your input matters.

salvadorscobee said

at 4:33 pm on Jan 17, 2011

so you mean i'm like the director? and the participants decide on who's who?

June Shanahan said

at 6:51 pm on Jan 17, 2011

First we have to see if we are allowed to perform, then we'll decide on the details. You and Mrs. Killian are the ones that started the entire planetary movement. Hehehe...

Alex said

at 4:51 pm on Jan 17, 2011

This is sooo cool Sal!!! Awesome job!

salvadorscobee said

at 5:10 pm on Jan 17, 2011

well she hasn't commented back yet so maybe i'm not. but i'm planning on possibly being hannah the main character i could just change the name but we may keep it a girl. i'll explain the rest to you later.

Noel (Hawk) said

at 3:41 pm on Jan 18, 2011

I LOVE THIS PAGE! CAN I BE A SCIENTIST? (probably not though) i LOVE LVOE LOVE the scientists! but thats awesome! i lvoe the scientist!

indira@scobee said

at 6:37 pm on Jan 18, 2011

We are the place to be in the galaxy,The planetary posse for everybody to see,We are the place to be in the galaxy,If you don't hang with me you're just a WANNA BE! LOL!

darynscobee said

at 8:00 pm on Jan 20, 2011

There's this song called "The Big Bang" by Rock Mafia. (So it's not this one.) And the lyrics are "The big,big bang The reason I'm alive,when all the stars collide in this universe inside The big big bang" And when I saw you're space page,I thought of that song and our space unit

June Shanahan said

at 9:00 pm on Jun 6, 2011

Dear Super Brains,
The director of this musical just emailed me, asking if we had ever performed the musical! Wow! Oh, Wow! (We should have...so sad we didn't.)

Noel (Hawk) said

at 11:07 pm on Jun 6, 2011

me too, but it could be a summer thing!

June Shanahan said

at 8:03 am on Jun 7, 2011

Woo-hoo! Get out your dancing shoes!

Alex said

at 8:36 am on Jun 7, 2011

Whoa! That is so cool! I wonder how the director found our wiki?? I wish we could have done the play.

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