Student Council Information
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by June Shanahan 14 years, 4 months ago

- One boy and one girl from each fourth and fifth grade class will be elected as their classroom representative. Elected students must have at least an S or E in all citizenship areas. You will also need to have a grade of C or better in reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies.
- Student council representatives from last year will automatically be grandfathered in, giving us a total of four total student representatives.
- Meetings are held after school once or twice a month till about 4:00 pm.
- Student council does fundraisers to benefit the school. They also do community service projects for the community, and they implement the paper recycling program at Scobee.
- Student council is student led with adult sponsors. (Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Glassburn, Mrs. Hering)
- Student council is also a lot of fun.
- If you would like to run for classroom representative, you will need to give a short (no more than 2 minutes) speech to your class telling why you should be chosen. Your class will then elect 1 boy and 1 girl representative.
- Deadline is October 22, 2010, and permission slips are due Monday, October 25, 2010.
Student Council Information
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