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Page history last edited by June Shanahan 11 years, 10 months ago



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Comments (5)

elizabethscobee said

at 6:40 am on Mar 14, 2011

This book is AMAZING I couldn't stop reading it!
A first I was giggling when the shower stall was the TIME MACHINE I kinda freaked out a little like (''What'') it was awesome!

elizabethscobee said

at 6:41 am on Mar 14, 2011

sorry its at first

Noel (Hawk) said

at 10:47 am on Mar 14, 2011

I KNOW! This is my fav story in the reading book! (spoiler alert!) I loved the part when her writing was the story itself! I simply LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!

June Shanahan said

at 9:04 pm on Mar 14, 2011

Seriously? You guys have seriously read this story already? I am in total SHOCK! I haven't even read it yet!!!!

elizabethscobee said

at 9:09 pm on Mar 14, 2011

Well Mrs.Shanahan I don't mind if u read it

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