Genre - Humorous Fiction
Comprehension - Story Structure
Vocabulary Skill - Using Context
Genre of Paired Passage - Drama
Genre -Informational Text
Comprehension - Text and Graphic Features
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Prefixes non-, un-, dis-, mis-
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Realistic Fiction
Comprehension - Compare and Contrast
Vocabulary Skill - Multiple-Meaning Words
Genre of Paired Passage - Persuasive Text
Genre - Narrative Nonfiction
Comprehension - Sequence of Events
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Suffixes -ion, -tion
Genre of Paired Passage - Poetry
Genre - Realistic Fiction
Comprehension - Theme
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Suffi xes -ly, -ful
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Informational
Comprehension - Cause and Effect
Vocabulary Skill - Antonyms (Using a Thesaurus)
Genre of Paired Passage - Myth
Genre - Historical Fiction
Comprehension - Understanding Characters
Vocabulary Skill - Idioms (Adages & Common Sayings)
Genre of Paired Passage - Drama
Genre - Narrative Nonfiction
Comprehension - Persuasion
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Vocabulary Greek & Latin Set I, Set 2, Set 3
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Historical Fiction
Comprehension - Drawing Conclusions, Making Generalizations
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Greek and Latin Roots (Greek =tele, photo; Latin = scrib, rupt )
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Informational
Comprehension - Main Idea and Details
Vocabulary Skill - Analogies
Genre of Paired Passage - Poetry
11.Dangerous Crossing
Genre - Historical Fiction
Comprehension - Cause and Effect
Vocabulary Skill - Using Reference Sources
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Narrative Non-fiction
Comprehension - Fact and Opinion
Vocabulary Skill - Using Context
Genre of Paired Passage - Myth
Genre - Narrative Nonfiction
Comprehension - Drawing Conclusions, Making Generalizations
Vocabulary Skill - Use a Thesaurus
Genre of Paired Passage - Drama
Genre - Biography
Comprehension - Sequence of Events
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Greek and Latin Roots
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Biography
Comprehension - Compare and Contrast
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Prefixes in-, im-, il-, ir-
Genre of Paired Passage - Poetry
Genre - Realistic Fiction
Comprehension - Author's Purpose
Vocabulary Skill - Foreign Words Used in English/Word Origins
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Science Fiction
Comprehension - Story Structure
Vocabulary Skill - Using Reference Sources
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Autobiography
Comprehension - Fact and Opinion
Vocabulary Skill - Analogies
Genre of Paired Passage - Poetry
Genre - Realistic Fiction
Comprehension - Persuasion
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Greek and Latin Suffixes -ist, -ism, -able, -ible
Genre of Paired Passage - Persuasive Speech
Genre - Humorous Fiction
Comprehension - Understanding Characters
Vocabulary Skill - Idioms
Genre of Paired Passage - Drama
Genre - Historical Fiction
Comprehension - Sequence of Events
Vocabulary Skill - Synonyms
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Historical Fiction
Comprehension - Theme
Vocabulary Skill - Using Reference Sources
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Informational Text
Comprehension - Main Idea and Details
Vocabulary Skill - Word Families
Genre of Paired Passage - Poetry
Genre - Historical Fiction
Comprehension - Cause and Effect
Vocabulary Skill - Using Context
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational Text
Genre - Narrative Nonfiction
Comprehension - Author's Purpose
Vocabulary Skill - Analogies
Genre of Paired Passage - Drama
Genre - Informational Text
Comprehension - Text and Graphic Features
Vocabulary Skill - Multiple-Meaning Words
Genre of Paired Passage - Drama
Genre - Drama
Comprehension - Theme
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Suffixes -ness, -less, -ment
Genre of Paired Passage - Drama
Genre - Informational
Comprehension - Fact and Opinion
Vocabulary Skill - Idioms
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational
Genre - Realistic Fiction
Comprehension - Conclusions and Generalizations
Vocabulary Skill - 2A-RS - Greek and Latin Roots
Genre of Paired Passage - Informational
Genre - Informational, Myth, Poetry
Comprehension - Main Idea and Detail
Vocabulary Skill - Word Origin
Genre of Paired Passage - Myth
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